This is for illustration friday: strings. I pretended that it was a CD jacket of a fake band (sorry if it does exist) MODERATE DAY and the album title being string. I wanted to make her hair be like strings but I'm not quite sure if that really communicates well.
Very cool image. Great hair.
This is clever and beautifully done! Makes me want to hear the fictitious band :)
This is nice. I really like the hair and BG texture.
That is very cool. Great textures!
i like it... i like it a lot!
yes! Nice work Mie!!! I can't quite read the text exactly (in the hair), but I'm all about the idea.
like it... and your explanation. Good use of time.
Beautiful :)
Wonderful idea and I love that texts is incorporated in the image!
haha i remember when we made up fake band names... mine was mediochre red.... haha. totally a name an art student would make up.
Thanks for all the comments! It made me happy to hear that lizybeth wanted to hear the fictitious band... I tried to create an image of a band that I would like so that was nice to know! And I totally agree with Topher about the hair (string) being hard to read. >_<
Tara>I know right? I was actually gonna make one up on the spot and I was like, "wait, I already made one up.." so I just went with that. :P I hope you don't mind I used your fake band name in the fake tour poster!
The hair is awesome-that link you gave me was funny!! hehe How are you all the way over in Japan?
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