The good thing about drawing everyday is that I'm also doing other things as well. I am doing few other things, although its mainly fanart related. I've been working on pixel art, not finished yet but here:

I've also been working out little by little.. maybe I'll actually end up with a bit of muscle!
Oh I like that little guy!
Yeah working out is a pretty good idea. Really should do more of that myself.
I've been enjoying your people in public transit :D
Thanks for the comment! I'm glad you liked the little guy... pixel art takes more time then I thought, but I think I like it! XD
Yeah, I hope I'll get some muscle on this very non-muscley body of mine!
I'm glad you like the people on transit stuff. I'm mainly doing it for myself, to get back in to groove of things, but it's good to hear that you like'em! It makes me not as guilty to spam peoples' blogger box. :3
No no!! Post more I always enjoy seeing what everyone is up to :)
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