Been thinking about my style almost 24/7.
"You don't have to be "good," you just got to have your own voice."
Seems like trying to be "good" was all I tried to do. The only forte of mine, Japanese influenced style, just ended up being something obsolete. Cute? There's tons of people here that can do that better then you. Anime style? The same.
Seems like there is a trend in Japanese illustration world to like childlike looking illustrations. I don't really get whats so great about them, but I try to understand that its new, interesting and that it shows emotion (and etc). This is in part because of the fact that so many teachers at Palette Club said what you feel, what your trying to show (not physically, but emotion and feeling) is what matters.
After few disappointing classes (as in I-feel-like-shit), I realized that my illustrations had none of that. If it was an apple on the table, it was that. I wasn't thinking about showing how lonely the apple was or anything else.
After a few classes, I didn't have a favorite piece or a piece I was proud of. I didn't know what and how I wanted to draw, and drawing wasn't fun anymore.
I guess it should be written in present tense since that is still the case.
But in any rate, just thinking about drawing wasn't going to solve anything... Now that I realize I really don't know what I want, or how I want to draw, I decided to try to draw every day. I hope that someday this will lead me to an answer.
Or at least that is what I'm trying to tell myself