I had the pleasure to hear two famous designers talk on two different dates. Actually three, because on the 28th, it was two designers talking to each other. I drew some random people in the crowd that was listening to their talk. I jotted down some notes, and here are some few quotes from Neville Brody (famous graphic designer from UK) and some of the stuff he talked about:
He was talking about how young designers are always on the computer. He said that this is a problem because everybody sees the same thing (like through google image search) and that "everybody sees what everyone else is doing..." and he calls this problem "flat earth." Other problems are that there is "too much possibility..." and "...actually less choice." I found interesting that Neville said "Designers are masochist" because my friends and I joked about how being an illustrator is painful, but it's good pain..
1/29: I was also able to hear Kijiro Yahagi talk, and he suggested Paul Klee's "Pedagogical Sketchbook" to read, but apparently it is out of print. He mentioned things like "don't try to be an illustrator... draw because you have to." He also said that people can tell of you drew it because you wanted to, or not. I think that might be quite true, although sometimes people will hate your stuff anyways even if you love them. He also said "...to know where you need to stop is important." I find that quite true also. Sometimes I think I don't know where to stop, and over work, or these days I under work..
Okay, long rant and quotes.... but I think that all word of wisdom are probably true... and that they were true to them, to the people who said them... but I think I need to choose which ones to listen, to know which wisdom are right for me.
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