I kind of need to explain my cute animey girl one, because I'm actually quite amused. I was on youtube, and there is this girl who calls herself "Magipon" and apparently she is an American girl who wants to be Japanese. She speaks (although she doesn't speak much on the video) Japanese, and as far as I know in most of them she just sits in front of her computer/camera and nervously (shyly) smiles and looks around. Sometimes she brings in inanimate objects such as coke and say "Co-ku de--su (this is coke)" or bring pizza and say "Piza de~~su (this is pizza)" and end the video with her waving and saying "bai bai (bye bye)." I didn't understand at all in what she was trying to do, and I still don't, but it was in my head.
in the lower right hand corner, I have her saying "ha-i Magi de-su (hello I'm Magi)" "co-ku de-su" "piza de-su" ".... bai bai"