I think I will make it my goal to try to update everyday... kind of like a daily journal or comic-a-day sort of thing. So here is todays sketch... not under drawing done, just kinda went with it with my ink pen, and then colored in photoshop.
on other personal news, I got a pedometer! It's really cool because it gives you the amount of money you would be spending on a taxi along side how much you walked. I walked about 6000 steps yesterday and that was about 890 yen (about $9-$10?) on a taxi. It just makes me feel like I'm gaining 890 yen, or at least not using it, and it makes me want to walk more... Now I just need to keep it up...
You save more money on taxis if you walk down the stairs instead of taking the elevator.
that is true, that is true. I keep on taking the elevator though! But I guess it would be more healthy... D:
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